<- previous post in this series on planning My favorite ritual is the retrospective. The retro is a look back on the previous sprint with a specific focus on actions to take in the future. What I enjoy so much about retro is that it aims to give every person…
<- previous post in this series on refinement In theory, the planning ritual could be automated. Look at everyone’s calendar for the upcoming sprint, estimate velocity and grab the things from the backlog that will fit. In the middle of a well-known project, it may be that simple and only…
<- previous post in this series on stand-ups While refinement may not be in the handbook of scrum rituals, it is still a prescribed practice. Argue if you want, but I am taking the liberty of calling it a ritual for this series. It took me years to accept…
Stand-up is a microcosm of your team. Show me your team’s stand-up and I can diagnose the effectiveness of your team. While there are plenty of articles on how a stand-up should be run, this post is about how you, as an individual, should represent yourself in stand-up. Be on…